Hawaiian Moons

2411 S Kihei Rd, Kihei, HI, USA

About Hawaiian Moons

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    Kapuna shopping window is Mon-Wed-Fri 8am to 9am.

    Pre-made salads: tuna, tuna pasta, quinoa salad, beet salad, and more available in compostable to go containers.

    Pre-made salads and kale salads also available in larger containers to go.

    Juice Bar and Sandwiches/Burgers are open for take out.

    We encouraging folks to call orders ahead as well as regular counter orders.

    We can also shop groceries for people and have the order ready for pick up in store or curbside to their car. Best is to email us at info@hawaiianmoons.com then call for confirmation (875-4356).

    Our Address

    2411 S Kihei Rd, Kihei, HI, USA

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